Hello there. I haven't been posting much over here, and that's the point of this post.
I've noticed (and I'm sure you have too) a trend amongst the Neuroblogs. Those that deal specifically with the Cam have been gathering dust for the past month or so, and some have been taken offline completely. Others have been declared defunct by their authors, but left online (which, as an archivist, I wholeheartedly support). And some Cam blogs, like mine, have suffered a slow death through increasingly sporadic posting.
The Cam blogs that have flourished, on the other hand, are the ones that have been diverse in topic from the beginning, or that have evolved to such a state. Certain blogs among those are more entertaining than others, and have developed a loyal following. I like that. Even when there's not a whiff of Cam in the room, the esprit de corps persists in its absence. Or, as Tript says:
I think I'm more interested in seeing cool bars and cooler nights out from around the world than reading about the cam, this is what we should all be doing.
Using the community for good, not evil.
Here, here. Because, and it's taken me an absurd amount of time to realize this, Neurocam can't exist in a vacuum. If we're going to derive any value from an online component of this experience, our output is going to have to consist of more than just assignment updates and wild speculation about upper management. We have as much to learn from each other as we do from the Cam, about both the pure and the profane in life. So I guess I'm simply encouraging all of you to keep talking about yourselves, and the things that interest you. Because I dig it. And I'll be at [edit: my personal blog] from now on.
If we're going to derive any value from an online component of this experience, our output is going to have to consist of more than just assignment updates and wild speculation about upper management.
Uh, that said ... When's the last time anybody heard from old Charlie? I think I'm officially concerned.
Way to get your own domain!
I heard from Hastings earlier in the week.
Posted by: teigan | 18 June 2005 at 08:37 AM
eloquent as always my love.
Posted by: constance | 18 June 2005 at 08:48 AM
Yeah, I'm a domain whore. I have a bunch sitting around that I don't even use -- figured I might as well make it official with the one site I actually update. (And thanks for noticing ;)
I heard from Hastings earlier in the week.
Well that's a relief. (I think ...)
Thanks, CP. I haven't been feeling very eloquent lately ... time to shake off the slump.
Posted by: lady j | 18 June 2005 at 09:24 AM
I've been corresponding of late with Charles. Of course, I don't need to say, if I told you about it, I'd have to kill you. :)
Posted by: Reanimator | 18 June 2005 at 02:10 PM
Oh, you'll tell me. Yes you will ... ;)
Posted by: lady j | 18 June 2005 at 03:32 PM
Hi Lady J,
I have been on holiday and thats why I have been quiet. I have been posting about things that interest me so take a look at my blog.
Love your new england gothic site and never new you were a gothic
love Yantra x
Posted by: James | 20 June 2005 at 01:23 AM
I second the motion for being concerned...
Posted by: Midnight | 20 June 2005 at 06:34 PM
I heard from Charles late on Friday, EST.
Posted by: Simon Blackmoore | 21 June 2005 at 12:02 AM
Well it's settled then. It's just Midnight and I who Charlie isn't talking to.
Midnight, want to come to my pity party?
Posted by: lady j | 21 June 2005 at 04:49 AM
Can *I* come to the pity party?
Posted by: Tript | 21 June 2005 at 05:15 PM
You too, Tript? (Or are you just looking for a party? ;)
BYO pints of chocolate ice cream and mass quantities of booze. Maybe we kind find a barrel in a back alley where we can burn pictures of Charlie, like a bunch of homeless bums cursing their heartless ex-wives. In which case, don't forget the brown paper bags for the booze.
Posted by: lady j | 21 June 2005 at 09:35 PM
Posted by: Adren of Life | 26 June 2005 at 08:06 PM
I have a hunch that it is the real Hastings but I have not been contacted myself...
...so if you want to know self-pity rounded with contempt and excomunication...
...nuff stuff to party all night!
I am addicted to blogging even though no one is reading it anymore. I am really trying to break the habit and hopefully the next stuff is the last. I have one last tribute to post as soon as I get some memory back to the geocities site.
I am going to miss you guys...
So Long,
Chris Titan
Posted by: Chris Titan | 28 June 2005 at 06:40 PM