The operatives list has been long due for an update. New additions: Simon Blackmoore in New England (w00t!); Reanimator and Wintermute in Melbourne; Yantra in the UK; Bob the Mediocre in Buffalo, with an interesting letter from MK (perhaps one of his last? sniff) regarding the relative nature of truth; Gigabane in Newfoundland, who's apparently been getting documents from MK where others have been getting stonewalled, and whose name totally makes me think of the techno-pagan direction they were once going with Willow before Joss fucked her character all up(/buffynerd); Chris Titan who claims to be in the Sudan but who also seems to tread a fine line between fact and his own personal fiction, and who mixes Perplex City posts in with Cam posts, making for quite a stew of confusion; and one of my new favorite reads, Another Operative, in London. AO's flickr name, interestingly, is thesneakerpimp. Sound familiar?
Of course, AO's flickr nick may be a coincidence. It may be a clue. Or AO may be playing with a little bit of unclaimed Cam mythology, in which case he might be getting himself into something a bit bigger than he realizes. I never published this, from an email exchange with Robin, but Rob's previously said that all of our correspondence could be considered on-the-record. So (text in blue was originally written by me; by Robin in red):
You wrote: "The Sneaker Pimp is a Neurocam Operative. If he is the person I think he is, then he knows a lot about Neurocam's current operations." Who do you think he is, and why?
In NZ I met a guy called Peter Casey who I suspect was one of the architects of Neurocam. He once used the alias 'Sneaker Pimp' in an email to a friend of mine. I happen to know that there is a Neurocam 'double agent' called The Sneaker Pimp and wonder if he is in fact Mr Casey.
Robin was supposed to be tracking down Casey's email address for me, through a friend. That was back at the beginning of March, though, and I've heard nothing re Casey since -- from Robin or anyone else.
I do have a bit more from Robin on this Casey guy, but I'm not sure -- what with all the other Cam activity going on right now -- if it's a fruitful tangent.
Back to the site updates.
Ice's blog has been taken down -- I can't remember if that's old news.
And last, I've created a new section called metacam, for blogs that play entirely fast and loose with the Cam mythology but that nevertheless have become part of the water cooler chatter.
I think we're having a thunderstorm. I'm off to investigate.
[email protected]
Posted by: Anonymous | 21 April 2005 at 10:04 PM
Glad to be aboard, J. Thanks for the link-up. ;)
Posted by: Simon Blackmoore | 21 April 2005 at 10:30 PM
[email protected]?
What's that for, i wonder?
Posted by: Cheshire Cat | 22 April 2005 at 03:00 AM
I'm guessing it's an email address for Peter Casey?
Or at least that's what I'm hoping...
Posted by: lady j | 22 April 2005 at 03:55 AM
Lady you ever check your email? I am a new operative, Ricin is my handle. Ive emialed you several times but i have yet to recieve a reply. Anyway, my name is Nick and i am 17 and i live in Michigan in the US. my blog is
Posted by: Ricin | 22 April 2005 at 05:18 AM
What is Metacam?
Posted by: Beltaine | 22 April 2005 at 06:57 AM
Ricin, do you read my blog? I just posted a few days ago that I'm extremely behind on email replies right now. I've received both of yours, and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Apologies for not including your blog in my latest update to the sidebar; I'm sure there are several other I've overlooked as well. Tk, babies. Sit tight.
Beltaine, I think I explained pretty clearly what I meant by "metacam."
Gertrude, I'm beginning to relate.
Posted by: lady j | 22 April 2005 at 07:11 AM
Lady J, where do babies come from?
Posted by: Cheshire Cat | 22 April 2005 at 07:29 AM
Lady J, what's love got to do, got to do with it?
Posted by: xulsolar23 | 22 April 2005 at 09:22 AM
lol- mama jugs
Posted by: constance | 22 April 2005 at 09:59 AM
Where do babies come from? I've often wondered..
Posted by: teigan | 22 April 2005 at 10:23 AM
Lady J, you should turn on html formatting for your comments.
Posted by: teigan | 22 April 2005 at 10:26 AM
Yantra seems to think the "J" stands for "Jess"; is this true?
Why is the sky blue?
Why do fools fall in love?
Where is my mind?
Also, can you please explain the difference between formalism and structuralism in 250 words or less? k thxs
Posted by: teigan | 22 April 2005 at 12:01 PM
Teigan: formatting enabled. Thought I'd already done that ...
Yantra's explanation for how he came to believe my first name is Jess:
"Did you remember the "Who is Robert Henley" link? I think it can be found on Graham Henstocks blog. Well now, let me see if you can recall it, it looks different now and has been updated. On the previous version there was an index screen which had a list of names like, Dr Chan, Miss Vepp, etc. On that web page was hidden messages, if you hovered over a line it showed the message, it was on one of those messages that your name Jess Hawthorne was mentioned. It did not take much deduction to figure out that the blogger called Lady J was in fact
you Jess Hawthorn."
This explanation doesn't ring true to me (no offense, Yantra); if anybody else could verify the alt text of which he speaks, I'd appreciate it.
Posted by: lady j | 22 April 2005 at 01:33 PM
If it's there, I sure don't know where.
If you 'View Page Source' then try to 'Find' the name 'Jess' in the text, nothing comes up. Something's wrong with Yantra's mantra.
Posted by: Avery Cardoza | 22 April 2005 at 01:41 PM
Wow, freaky. It's a total coincidence. I just used to really like the band Sneaker Pimps, and I've been using that as an online alias for years.
...or am I lying?
Posted by: Another Operative | 23 April 2005 at 01:12 AM
Heh. Does it matter whether or not it's a coincidence? It just adds more to the strange 'coincidences' already everywhere regarding the 'Cam. It's almost as if everything is known beforehand somehow. Does Neurocam control our minds before we even find out about it?
Also, wow. The 'Cam blogosphere has really grown, and continues to grow.
Posted by: Ophidius | 23 April 2005 at 06:51 AM
I told Yantra about you Miss Hawthorne about 4 months ago on a yahoo group mailing system. Methodius should confirm this as he was a member. The group is called newsroop. I will not say how I found out. You'll just have to guess. Maybe one of your friends told me?
Posted by: Beltaine | 23 April 2005 at 09:40 PM
With the machinations of Neurocam in full swing, I can't believe some people are so bored that they're trying to uncover the identity of fellow operatives.
Posted by: Xul The Fool | 24 April 2005 at 10:59 AM
who is miles carrefour?
Posted by: bob | 24 April 2005 at 11:22 PM