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14 March 2005



Some one has been reading too much Anne Rice - the faux N'awleens nightcrawler sentiments are dreadful.

Needs a Red Stick up where the sun doesn't shine.


I agree with that sentiment. Why is it the loonies come out to play when I vanish?


hmmmm... he has a certain charm doesn't he?
Still a psycho.


ew ew ew ewwwwwwwww..........i can't stop picture a baby lamb getting raped and then eaten.

i think a guy wrote something similar to me in high school.

and to cc: the cam? lovely.

lady j

Yeah, I love that he cc'ed the Cam. Awesome.

Can I claim workplace sexual harrassment and file a nice big lawsuit? ;)


Umm.... red stick? Disgusting.
We're obviously dealing with a real sicko here.

lady j

Oh, I'm *sure* he was simply referring to the lovely city of Baton Rouge ... yes, quite.

(Am I seriously the only one who got an email like this? Cripes. Now I am starting to feel a bit stalked...)


Urk. That was horrible.

>Yeah, I love that he cc'ed the Cam. Awesome.
>Can I claim workplace sexual harrassment and file a nice big
>lawsuit? ;)

I knew it; you secretly work for Neurocam.
You *so* do.


ahh, teigan's got you there. ;)

Elmo Oxygen

Shemyaza is on the mark, here. Reading that errant purple prose, you get the notion this person is wearing a synthetic-fiber crushed-velvet pirate shirt. Gross.

Robin Hely

I'm so glad all of you agree this is not my work. I think we are dealing with a spotty teenager with too much time on his/her hands who is indeed attired in said crushed velvet pirate shirt!

I wonder why he/she has chosen to impersonate me? I think I shall send an email....

By the way I got an email from Methodius saying that this person has hacked my email address. Perhaps Methodius didn't notice the 'nc' in the address. Shoddy work Meths!

Personally I think Meths and RHnc are the same person....


You like, know you're local FBI number, yes? :)


Robin Hely said "Personally I think Meths and RHnc are the same person".

I haven't spoken to Methodius since our ill-fated fishing trip, but he -did- mention some plan regarding the impersonation of Robin Hely.

It's also worth noting that it's easy to post a comment here as someone else. Just because "Robin Hely" posted a comment above, and from a legitimate email address (if that -is- Hely's real address), doesn't mean it was actually posted by Hely.

I might not even be Xul Solar! Look into my eyes, not around the eyes, not around the eyes, just look into me eyes.

lady j

Xul: That thought occurred to me too. The writing style isn't quite Hely's, but the email address he posted is the one he's been using to communicate with me. That doesn't mean much, though.

Still, why would somebody bother to impersonate Rob just to stick up for him?

Jo: My brother-in-law is a US Marshal; I'm not worried. This guy gets the tiniest bit threatening and it's all over. (But thanks for your concern :)

Robin Hely

Hi all this is beltaine, Just to try and prove Xul's theory: -

"It's also worth noting that it's easy to post a comment here as someone else. Just because "Robin Hely" posted a comment above, and from a legitimate email address (if that -is- Hely's real address), doesn't mean it was actually posted by Hely."

I have posted this using Robin Helys details. Fingers crossed X

lady j

Beltain, I think the theory is clear to everybody. I'd rather people didn't post under false (or appropriated) identities on my blog, for archival reasons as well as ethical.

Of course I can't help it when people do so clandestinely, but I really don't want this to become a "look, it can be done" trend.

Any further instances will be deleted.


Methodius Umbrares

Mr. Hely,

In antithesis to Jo's question, why would I invent an alter-ego who "reveals" me to be one of Hasting's agents, only to have me deny this and request that this alter-ego be ignored?

Also, as I have told Mr. Hely, I am well aware that [email protected] is not his address. However, I sent a message to Mr. Hely suggesting that [email protected] "may" be hacked, as mine had been at the time, and I feared the same had befallen him.


It is easy to be a prophet after the event. Your weblog may be a work of fiction, but that does not entitle you to make the same of others'.



the red sticks are coming out- DUCK!


Methodius - I answer only to Elmo Oxygen. When he tells me to cease my blog, I will.


I was staring at this charming tidbit of pervesrion when a thought hit me:

Longhorn State.

Game, set, match.
Seems our favorite little uppity chickie-poo has found a new way to entertain herself.

Elmo Oxygen

Midnight: You may be on to something...

lady j

Yeah, that was my first instinct too, but

1: I don't think Kristina could pull off that kind of torrid purple prose, even as badly written as it is.

2: I think it would be outside of her comfort zone to write such a sexually fetishized letter to another woman, even under a male alias.

3. UNOWHOIAM's IP address originates from Amsterdam.

The Longhorn comment may have been intended to make us suspect Kristina, but my instincts say it's not her.

The comments to this entry are closed.


  • The Age
    The 12/08/04 newspaper article responsible for the current surge in Neurocam interest.
  • seen
    An article in RealTime Arts about a Robin Hely/Peter Burke art installation called Delivery. Some interesting background information on the artists.
  • cherrie
    From the official VCA web site, a blurb on Hely's infamous blind-date video.
  • old habits
    An Internet Archive capture of a page that lists some of Robin Hely's projects, including Who Is Robert Henley? and Project Neurocam.