
  • adren of life (in spanish)
    Location: Connecticut, USA
    First Neurocam post: 04/16/05
  • alex
    Location: United Kingdom
    First Neurocam post: 06/11/05
  • aliask
    Location: Melbourne, VIC, AUS
    First Neurocam post: 12/22/04
  • an american in melbourne
    Location: Melbourne, VIC, AUS
    First Neurocam post: 04/17/05
  • avery cardoza
    Location: NY, NY, USA
    First Neurocam post: 01/15/05
  • bob the mediocre
    Location: Buffalo, NY, USA
    First Neurocam post: 04/10/05
  • capcoincidence (graham)
    Location: Melbourne, VIC, AUS
    First Neurocam post: 01/14/04
  • cheshire cat
    Location: Norwich, England
    First Neurocam post: 03/26/05
  • constance paige
    Location: NY, NY, USA
    First Neurocam post: 01/15/05
  • deadsoybean
    Location: Paterson, NJ, USA
    First Neurocam post: 02/27/05
  • elmo oxygen
    Location: Providence, RI, USA
    First Neurocam post: 01/18/05
  • exodus
    Location: Melbourne, VIC, AUS
    First Neurocam post: 03/21/05
  • gigabane
    Location: Newfoundland, CAN
    First Neurocam post: 02/17/05
  • gothic
    Location: NY, NY, USA
    First Neurocam post: 02/03/05
  • johana (jojo)
    Location: Melbourne, VIC, AUS
    First Neurocam post: 02/19/05
  • kybalion (simon moon)
    Location: Ohio, USA
    First Neurocam post: 12/23/04
  • li
    Location: Melbourne, VIC, AUS
    First Neurocam post: 01/21/05
  • midnight
    Location: Los Angeles, CA, USA
    First Neurocam post: 01/22/05
  • nicholas urfe
    Location: Buffalo, NY, USA
    First Neurocam post: 03/25/05
  • ophidius
    Location: Pennsylvania, USA
    First Neurocam post: 01/23/05
  • peluchio
    Location: Panama City, Panama
    First Neurocam post: 02/07/05
  • pia
    Location: Washington, USA
    First Neurocam post: 01/19/05
  • random voodoo
    Location: Melbourne, VIC, AUS
    First Neurocam post: 01/16/05
  • reanimator
    Location: Melbourne, VIC, AUS
    First Neurocam post: 04/11/05
  • ricin
    Location: Dearborn, MI, USA
    First Neurocam post: 04/13/05
  • roger that
    Location: Buffalo, NY, USA
    First Neurocam post: 03/21/05
  • shemyaza
    Location: Sydney, NSW, AUS
    First Neurocam post: 01/03/05
  • simon blackmoore
    Location: New England, USA
    First Neurocam post: 4/20/05
  • teigan
    Location: Melbourne, VIC, AUS
    First Neurocam post: 01/01/05
  • tript
    Location: Melbourne, VIC, AUS
    First Neurocam post: 06/10/04
  • urchin x
    Location: unknown
    First Neurocam post: 03/20/05
  • wintermute
    Location: Melbourne, VIC, AUS
    First Neurocam post: 12/07/04
  • xade
    Location: Melbourne, VIC, AUS
    First Neurocam post: 06/28/04
  • yantra
    Location: Plymouth, UK
    First Neurocam post: 04/12/05

« hunter s. thompson is dead | Main | you don't send me flowers anymore »

24 February 2005



Perhaps if you tried an entry that just read "Neurocam" you may find it more enlightening, though it is a complete fabrication ;)


weird, i woke-up this morning and went directly to the robinhely page for the first time. found it confusing and then checked out what people were saying on the bb.

is it me or is interest in this sort of thing waning in general...

lady j

I saw the "Neurocam" one, Alex -- yes, also a (badly edited) fabrication.

Interest waning ... I don't know. I think people may have ceased blogging the full extent of their participation, given the chatter coming from various quarters (official and otherwise) about non-blogging operatives having a different (implication: better) experience.

It's something I've been meaning to post about. Maybe I'll repeat myself in a fresh thread.


I think he meant that the existing Wikipedia page about Neurocam (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neurocam) is complete fabrication. I.e. The words 'is complete fabrication' are not part of the web address.


Thanks qed, you beat me to it. That is what I meant, yes.

lady j

Ah, yep it is. I did a cut-and-paste in a hurry, Firefox filled in the blanks (added the underscores) and Wikipedia obligingly served up the "not yet created" page. This is what happens when you try to write a post on your way out the door.

Harlen M Quint


This currently states,
"Neurocam' page removed due to legal procedings"


Yeah I read it last night and it was a pretty poor piece of work. Spelling mistakes ughhhghh.

Whoever did it had no idea of Neurocam and made up their own pieces for the ones that are missing from the big puzzle that it is.

Most interesting of the text was that Roberto was arrested in early 2004(5?) for missapropriation of funds. The funds were apparently from a VCA grant meant for the Shelly Innocence project with old mate P-diddy Burke but was spent on replacing brothel advertisements with 'get out of your mind' gear. No really, that billboard on Alexander Parade used to be home to a brothel advertisement. I know this because the pub that it is above, a mate had a 21st there and as it has a retractable roof we all looked up and to all the boys amazement was an advertisement for a brothel. Go Melbourne! And my mum used to work in the Headline Stationers Supply that is below it. Damn small world. This will be the last time I write about my mum and brothel in the same spiel.

Anyway, back to Wikipdia... It wrote that Bob graduated from VCA. Which I am pretty sure in an email he wrote to one of the peons that he did not infact graduate from there but was an artist in residence (maybe??). So I'd say who ever did it was looking for some cheap attention. Like the rest of us :P

Xul Solaaarr 23

Myth creation.. moi?



In Sydney a couple of years back, Virgin Mobile had a billboard above a brothel with the text something like "SMSing should be like sex..you shouldn't have to pay for it"

Is Neurocam a subsidiary of Virgin?


from ladyj above: "I think people may have ceased blogging the full extent of their participation, given the chatter coming from various quarters (official and otherwise) about non-blogging operatives having a different (implication: better) experience."

are you included ladyj?


To clear up the issue regarding Mr Hely's stay with the VCA:
"Mr Hely was teaching here a year or so ago but has since left the VCA." - Catherine Malcolm, Administration Officer

From Mr Hely himself:
"By the way I did not attend the VCA, I worked there part time and had
an artist in residence position for 2 months." - Robin Hely

In short, yes, much of that Wikipedia article was fabricated and contained much speculation.

Random Voodoo

But I went and said it anyway.

Aphex's Twin

Goddam you! And I was the one who got blamed for it!

Elmo Oxygen

..."the chatter coming from various quarters (official and otherwise) about non-blogging operatives having a different (implication: better) experience."

I'd like to hear more on this, if you please.


I heard that rumour too, Elmo Oxygen. BTW, check out http://robinhely.com again.


Nice to see I have an imposter.


You do?

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  • The Age
    The 12/08/04 newspaper article responsible for the current surge in Neurocam interest.
  • seen
    An article in RealTime Arts about a Robin Hely/Peter Burke art installation called Delivery. Some interesting background information on the artists.
  • cherrie
    From the official VCA web site, a blurb on Hely's infamous blind-date video.
  • old habits
    An Internet Archive capture of a page that lists some of Robin Hely's projects, including Who Is Robert Henley? and Project Neurocam.