A link in a comment by neuronaut led me to The Digital Falcon, a digest of occult-related articles. Some interesting stuff there, even for a skeptic.
The DF site, in turn, led me to Key 23, another occult site with some interesting material.
In case you're, ya know, interested in that kind of stuff. ;)
This in particular, from K23, struck me:
On this dusty battlefield arms cross and clash and blood spills relentlessly as the insects wage memetic warfare against each other, vying for dominance in the humble noosphere of the human species. The prevailing memetic deities know the power of human belief and know that it’s the only way they can survive and become real. We surround ourselves with great technological extrusions, vast webworks of creations all manifest from within our minds, from within the sea of ideation, imagination. Whatever we believe in most is what will come to pass. The great struggles now pitched and fought rising towards a seeming apocalypse are being waged by thousand year old mythologies still gripping our consciousness and infecting our minds. Priests and politicians cunningly invest in their powers while common folk give their lives in servitude, like capsids bursting to perpetuate the viral progeny. When the scorecard is read, whatever deified memeplex has the most ardent believers, that’ll be the one that writes our story.
True in the macro sense described above, but also in the microcosms of our daily, interconnected lives.
Glad I could be of service. ;)
In case you missed it, the link I was refering to from that article was this one.
Posted by: neuronaut | 06 January 2005 at 08:27 AM
Awesome link! You're right, I did miss that the first time. It's going in my bookmarks to peruse at length. Thank you!
Posted by: lady j | 06 January 2005 at 01:22 PM